quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013



20 years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and tragic accident in which supernatural forces - very dark - were involved. For this reason, his father decided to teach them how to deal with the supernatural life, teaching them techniques of defense against the forces of evil coming to teach the ideal way to kill the different types of demons. Now, the Winchester brothers travel the United States in his old Chevy waging a battle against darkness and evil. Cursed objects, vampires, witches and evil entities - including a not so nice Santa Claus - are just some of the challenges they have to overcome two brothers.

Main characters

Sam Winchester

Sam Winchester: It is the second son of John and Mary Winchester. Four years younger than his brother, Dean. He is different from his older brother, as he is sensible, rational, more innocent, and seemingly more concerned with a "normal life" than his brother, he was more in favor of freedom living on the run from his house. He also rebelled against his father.

Dean Winchester

 Born in Lawrence, Kansas. He is the son of John and Mary Winchester and older brother Sam. Since he was old enough to use a gun, Dean was trained by his father to hunt one type of monsters, and yet, afraid of flying. His passions are his car, women and eat, and do anything to protect his family, especially his brother, Sam. They already had plenty of places to the hell and the heaven. Made his mother smile when I was little to try to make her do not be sad because of his father.


 It's the angel who rescued Dean from hell after his death by the dogs of hell Lilith.Vem earth instruct Dean and Sam as a mission which the brethren are key. But the human proximity to established, especially with Dean, receives orders from above to remove yourself emotionally from humans. But Castiel does not meet the higher orders and still end up rebelling against the sky, because it ended up joining the brothers Witchester and becoming more of a main character in the fight against Apocalypse.

Secondary characters


Has built over the years a strong friendship with John Winchester, is also a hunter of supernatural creatures. It has a large collection of books on the subject, which fetches the information needed to help and save the children of John, the protagonists of the series Sam and Dean Winchester, in several episodes of the series.


Azazel is the name attributed to an angel, who would be charged with the task of raising human faults and enumerate before the Divine Court, during the trial's annual mankind. It is, moreover, a mysterious figure who appears three times in the Hebrew Bible, specifically related to the ritual of Yom Kippur, when the time of the Temple of Jerusalem a goat was sacrificed for the Creator and the other was offered to Azazel, being latter animals sent into the wilderness.

John Winchester

John is the father of Sam and Dean Winchester.


He is the god of hell, freed from his cage after being broken the seals 66, comes to Earth with plans to seize his vessel and exterminate the entire human race.


He first appears as a simple demon negotiator, later passing the king of hell and possessed the soul of Sam Winchester.

 By : Ana Carolina

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